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Free shipping on all orders to CAN/US above $400, and Worldwide above $1000
Elprotronic Flash Programmers (XStream-Iso, XStreamPro-Iso, S-GANG)

Flash Programmers for STMicroelectronics STM32, BlueNRG, and STM8 MCUs, and STM32MP1 MPUs

  • Supports JTAG, and SWD communication (STM32/BlueNRG)
  • Supports JTAG/SPI/TPI/PDI/UPDI/SWIM communication (STM8).
  • Up to 64 programmers can be connected over USB to one PC.
  • Windows(TM) XP, 7, 8, 10, 11 support. Debian Linux support for x86_64 (amd64), and ARM (armhf, arm64). Runs on Raspberry Pi.
  • Easy to use GUI allows the user to configure all necessary options with ease (GUI on Windows only).
  • Extensive Memory options including select erase, program, verify. Select flash data can be retained across programming sequences.
  • Supports full/segment erase, blank check, write and verify of code using one Auto Program function or separate functions for easy customization.
  • Power Consumption monitor feature: current measurement sensitivity to 20uA on XStream-Iso, and 50nA on XStreamPro-Iso adapters.  
  • FlashPro-M Benchmarks
  • FP/GP-ARM Benchmarks
  • ur programmers support TrustZone, FUS, and SFI.
  • Firmware Update Service (FUS) is supported for wireless stack programming with GUI and DLL.(scripts download)
    • FlashPro-ARM (over SWD): STM32WB families of MCUs (SWD FUS programing strongly recommended on single-target FlashPro-ARM)
    • GangFlasher-ST (over USB): Firmware Update Service (FUS) support for STM32WB.
      • Includes advanced security features such as: User Authentication Keys, and Customer Key Storage support.
  • Secure Firmware Install (SFI) is supported for secure and counted installation of OEM firmware using the STM32HSM technology.
    • FlashPro-ARM/GangPro-ARM (over SWD): Supported for STM32L5, U5, H5, and H7 MCUs 
    • Secure Manager support for H5:Provisioning, Debug Authentication, and Full Regression (partial regression support coming soon)
    • GangFlasher-ST (over USB): Supported for STM32L5, U5, and H7 MCUs
    • Use ST HSM cards to secure your application code on target device
    • Option to save certificate files from targets to disk for processing by 3rd party software
    • Option to write .sfi file generated by 3rd party software to target from disk instead of from HSM card
  • STM32H5 - Product Lifecycle support with Debug Authentication.
  • Our firmware accepts secure binaries generated by the STM32 Trusted Package Creator. Including support for:
    • AES secret key
    • STM32 chip certificate (public key)
    • STM32 chip private key
    • License (encrypted AES secret key)
    • HSM smartcard

FlashPro-ARM - One Adapter connects to and programs One Target - STM32

Adapter Type

One Vendor (ST only)

Multiple Vendors (All ARM vendors)

All MCUs (ARM, MSP, CC, M)


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GangPro-ARM - One Adapter can connect to and program up to 6 Targets In Parallel - STM32

Adapter Type

One Vendor (ST only)

Multiple Vendors (All ARM vendors)

All MCUs (ARM, MSP, CC, M)


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FlashPro-M - One Adapter connects to and programs One Target - STM8

Adapter Type

One Vendor (ST only)

Multiple Vendors (8-32/M category)

All MCUs (ARM, MSP, CC, M)


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GangPro-M - One Adapter can connect to and program up to 6 Targets In Parallel - STM8

Adapter Type

One Vendor (ST only)

All MCUs (ARM, MSP, CC, M)


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GangFlasher-ST - One Software License connects to and programs up to 8 Targets in Parallel - STM32MP1x (USB/DFU)

Adapter Type

Lite Node License (2 targets)

Full Node License (8 targets)


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S-GANG - all vendors

Elprotronic's Standalone Gang Programmer (S-GANG)
A new fast, flexible, and reliable Gang programming solution.
Utilizing the newest technology, this programmer can:
  1. Program up to 8 targets simultaneously
  2. Control each connected target separately (full separate connections: power, reset and communication pins, only common pin is GND)
  3. Run in Standalone and PC-interactive programming modes
  4. Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) and Linux support
  5. USB, Ethernet, and RS232 connectivity from PC to programmer
  6. Programmer to target supported protocols:
    MSP430: JTAG, SBW, BSL
    C2000: JTAG, SCI-BOOT
    iMOTION 2.0: SWD, UART
    SPI Flash: SPI, QSPI
  7. Galvanic isolation (USB, Ethernet, RS232), and post-programming tri-state pin support.
  8. Vcc (1.65V to 5V), and programmable 1-20 MHz target clock

Find out more: S-GANG programmer



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Optional & Useful

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Power Monitor Overview

  • Monitor current consumption and voltage in real time.
  • Drag and select an area of interest (app test duration). Graph shows power consumption in Watts, and estimated yearly battery load in Ampere hours (shown below).
  • Voltage measurement resolution ~1.5 mV (min 0.3 V, 1 ms period).
  • Current measurement resolution ~5 nA: mininum 5 nA XStreamPro-Iso (X2S), 20 uA XStream-Iso (XS). 10 ms sampling period.
  • Real-time graph examples below:

CMSIS-DAP 2.0 ARM Debugger

  • ARM Debugger, uses CMSIS-DAP 2.0 ARM standard.
  • This feature is available on XStream-Iso and XStreamPro-Iso ARM programmers (FP/GP-ARM or X). USB-FPA (grey adapter) not supported.
  • Supports JTAG, and SWD communication.
  • Programmable communication clock up to 20 MHz, effective throughput up to 1 MBytes/s.
  • SWO tracing capability with SWD communication option. SWO speed up to 12.5 Mbits/s (UART), and 32 kB overflow buffer.
  • Power supply from adapter available, up to 200mA.
  • Customizable Vcc from 1.7 to 4.0V on XStream-Iso adapters (1.2 to 4.0V on XStreamPro-Iso adapters).
  • Supports any CMSIS-DAP 2.0 capable IDE. Tested on latest IAR EWARM, and Keil uVision IDEs.

Standalone Programming from Adapter Internal Images

  • Standalone programming feature using code and configuration from internal flash. XStreamPro-Iso (X2S) adapter only.
  • Auto Program with green GO button.
  • Multiple configurable options for Green button when holding ( <2s: AutoProgram, 2-5s: Verify, >5s: Factory erase).
  • Can be configured to Auto Program when defined voltage range detected on Vcc-Out (pin 2) or Vcc-Sense (pin 4).
  • Up to 96 distinct images, or 24 MB total in size. Images can be encrypted for specific adapter serial number, not transferable.
  • Pre-select which image will be used for programming.
  • Serialization and Quota support. Pre-program serialization file with multiple entries and set fixed quota per image file.
  • Standalone programming in single target FlashPro mode only (for Gang standalone programming refer to S-GANG).

Elprotronic's Standalone Gang Programmer (S-GANG) - Coming Q3 2024
A new fast, flexible, and reliable Gang programming solution, coming Q3 2024. Utilizing the newest technology, this programmer can:
  1. Program up to 8 targets simultaneously
  2. Control each connected target separately (full separate connections: power, reset and communication pins, only common pin is GND)
  3. Run in Standalone and PC-interactive programming modes
  4. Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) and Linux support
  5. USB, Ethernet, and RS232 connectivity from PC to programmer
  6. Programmer to target supported protocols:
    MSP430: JTAG, SBW, BSL
    C2000: JTAG, SCI-BOOT
    iMOTION 2.0: SWD, UART
    SPI Flash: SPI, QSPI
  7. Galvanic isolation (USB, Ethernet, RS232), and post-programming tri-state pin support.
  8. Vcc (1.65V to 5V), and programmable 1-20 MHz target clock

Find out more: S-GANG programmer

FlashPro-M and GangPro-M (XS, X2S):

  • External serial flash memory can be programmed when connected to programming adapter using a serial peripheral interface connection (SPI).
  • Up to 1 MBytes/s programming (up to 20MHz, depends on target memory).

FlashPro-ARM and GangPro-ARM (X2S): 

  • Same as above, can program serial flash directly over SPI, and also:
  • Can program both target MCU internal flash and any connected external serial flash using JTAG/SWD interface only.
  • To program using MCU, memory must be connected to target MCU via a working serial peripheral interface (OCTOSPI, Dual-QSPI, QSPI, SPI, etc.).
  • I/O port configuration utility provided in GUI. Allows interactive configuration of MCU peripheral interface pins to memory.
Vendor specific SPI external memory connection information can be found here:
  • Adesto
  • Cypress
  • GigaDevice
  • ISSI
  • Macronix
  • Microchip
  • Micron
  • Winbond
  • Main GUI examples
    • Select desired MCU from an easy to navigate list of vendors and families.
    • Customize target voltage.
    • Customize communication speed.
    • See programming results in real-time with fine grained status results.
    • Connect over USB (all adapters) or Ethernet (X2S).
    • A GangPro licensed adapter can also run the single target FlashPro software.
    • Display GUIs for Flash and Gang (6x) shown below:

    Configuration Overview

    • Configure which memory is erased, written, and verified.
    • Save calibration data using "Retain Data" feature between programming.
    • Configure serialization, auto generated or from input file. Used numbers logged in output file.
    • Set reset pulse duration, Vcc settle time, reset action (start) after programming.
    • Set to Tri-State for testing, leakage: X2S (1M pull-up with on/off, off setting typ. <5nA) , XS and USB-FPA (1 M pull-up only).
    • Configure JTAG chain for multiple devices of the same MCU part number.
    • Configure Power Monitoring, sampling frequency etc.
    • Configuration GUI windows shown below (same options configurable via DLL/libraries).
    DLL/Shared Library Overview
    • All of the options shown in the GUIs above can be configured using only the DLL, or shared library in Windows/Linux (Linux support only for XS or X2S adapters where applicable, check individual product page).
    • The power monitor information can be read using dedicated functions.
    • Multiple adapters (up to 64) can be controlled using the provided libraries, with examples available in C++, C#, and Python. Some installations come with Labview examples as well.
    • Using only one top-level library, all 64 adapters can be controlled using one unified interface.
    Command-Line Overview
    • A Command-Line interface is implemented using several executables provided in the Generic-FPA DLL installation package.
    • The Generic-FPA DLL package provides a uniform interface to control up to 64 adapters of any type (ARM, MSP, Chipcon, etc).
    • The Generic Batch File Demo is the easiest to use. During one run it initializes all the desired adapters, performs chosen actions, and turns off all the adapters to wrap up.
    • The Generic Command-Line Server/Client implementation is much more flexible, stable and faster for repeated programming cycles. It can control all the adapters asynchronously using non-blocking calls, and can also accept local or remote connections using named pipes (details are described in the Generic-FPA DLL User Guide). Sample output below:

    Code File:

    • No code size limitations.
    • Code formats can be TI (*.txt), Motorola (*.srec, *.s19, *.s28, *.s37), Intel and TI-CCS (*.hex, *.bin) for programming.
    Dynamic Link Library support:
    • API-DLL, and shared library, provided for easy integration with user application.
    • Multi-FPA DLL, and shared library, allows control of up to 64 programmers simultaneously using broadcast-style commands from one user application.
    • Generic-FPA DLL allows thread-safe control of up to 64 programmers of any type (MSP, CC, C2000, ARM) using independent threads from one user application.
    • Command-Line tool allows easy programming with scripts. In addition, provided executables allow programming adapters connected to the host computer to be controlled remotely over the network.
    • Memory protection options for per-page protection and overall debug access disable.
    • Unlock device capability for full erase even after debug access disable (if supported by MCU).
    • User defined programming sequence uses script file. No programming technique and language knowledge is required.
    • Open/Save Project with encryption and password protection.
    • Target device can be powered from the programming adapter (programmable Vcc from 1.2 V to 4.0 V step 0.1 V) or from external source (1.2 V to 4.0 V)).
    • Defined Check Sum calculation (Sum, CRC16, CRC32). Up to four CS banks can be specified.
    • Open/Save Project with encryption and password protection.
    • Lock setup capability in GUI, useful in production.
    • Unique serial number assign capability. Software package can assign and automatically increment the serial number, model type and revision. Serial number with or without an automatically inserted current date can be stored in flash memory in HEX, BCD or ASCII format. The serial number can be assigned from a user defined list in a file.
    • Serial number can be read from the bar code using Bar-Code Scanner and saved in the target's device flash.
    • Log file capability allowing to review information about the flashed target devices.

    Tutorial Videos

    ST Partner
    MCU and MPU supported list: 
    STM32MP1 custom boards using:
    STM32MP151A, STM32MP151C, STM32MP151D, STM32MP151F, STM32MP153A, STM32MP153C, STM32MP153D, STM32MP153F, STM32MP157A, STM32MP157C, STM32MP157D, STM32MP157F
    STM32MP1 preconfigured eval boards:
    STM32MP157A-DK1, STM32MP157A-EV1, STM32MP157C-DK2, STM32MP157C-ED1, STM32MP157C-EV1, STM32MP157D-DK1, STM32MP157D-EV1, STM32MP157F-DK2, STM32MP157F-ED1, STM32MP157F-EV1, STM32MP135F-DK1
    STM32C011x4, STM32C011x6, STM32C031x4, STM32C031x6, STM32C051x6, STM32C051x8, STM32C071x8, STM32C071xB, STM32C091xB, STM32C091xC, STM32C092xB, STM32C092xC
    STM32F030C6, STM32F030C8, STM32F030CC, STM32F030F4, STM32F030K6, STM32F030R8, STM32F030RC, STM32F070C6, STM32F070CB, STM32F070F6, STM32F070RB, STM32F031C4, STM32F031C6, STM32F031E6, STM32F031F4, STM32F031F6, STM32F031G4, STM32F031G6, STM32F031K4, STM32F031K6, STM32F051C4, STM32F051C6, STM32F051C8, STM32F051K4, STM32F051K6, STM32F051K8, STM32F051R4, STM32F051R6, STM32F051R8, STM32F051T8, STM32F071CB, STM32F071RB, STM32F071V8, STM32F071C8, STM32F071VB, STM32F091CB, STM32F091CC, STM32F091RB, STM32F091RC, STM32F091VB, STM32F091VC, STM32F042C4, STM32F042C6, STM32F042F4, STM32F042F6, STM32F042G4, STM32F042G6, STM32F042K4, STM32F042K6, STM32F042T6, STM32F072C8, STM32F072CB, STM32F072R8, STM32F072RB, STM32F072V8, STM32F072VB, STM32F038C6, STM32F038E6, STM32F038F6, STM32F038G6, STM32F038K6, STM32F048C6, STM32F048G6, STM32F048T6, STM32F058C8, STM32F058R8, STM32F058T8, STM32F078CB, STM32F078RB, STM32F078VB, STM32F098CC, STM32F098RC, STM32F098VC
    STM32F100C4, STM32F100C6, STM32F100C8, STM32F100CB, STM32F100R4, STM32F100R6, STM32F100R8, STM32F100RB, STM32F100RC, STM32F100RD, STM32F100RE, STM32F100V8, STM32F100VB, STM32F100VC, STM32F100VD, STM32F100VE, STM32F100ZC, STM32F100ZD, STM32F100ZE, STM32F101C4, STM32F101C6, STM32F101C8, STM32F101CB, STM32F101R4, STM32F101R6, STM32F101R8, STM32F101RB, STM32F101RC, STM32F101RD, STM32F101RE, STM32F101RF, STM32F101RG, STM32F101T4, STM32F101T6, STM32F101T8, STM32F101TB, STM32F101V8, STM32F101VB, STM32F101VC, STM32F101VD, STM32F101VE, STM32F101VF, STM32F101VG, STM32F101ZC, STM32F101ZD, STM32F101ZE, STM32F101ZF, STM32F101ZG, STM32F102C4, STM32F102C6, STM32F102C8, STM32F102CB, STM32F102R4, STM32F102R6, STM32F102R8, STM32F102RB, STM32F103C4, STM32F103C6, STM32F103C8, STM32F103CB, STM32F103R4, STM32F103R6, STM32F103R8, STM32F103RB, STM32F103RC, STM32F103RD, STM32F103RE, STM32F103RF, STM32F103RG, STM32F103T4, STM32F103T6, STM32F103T8, STM32F103TB, STM32F103V8, STM32F103VB, STM32F103VC, STM32F103VD, STM32F103VE, STM32F103VF, STM32F103VG, STM32F103ZC, STM32F103ZD, STM32F103ZE, STM32F103ZF, STM32F103ZG, STM32F105R8, STM32F105RB, STM32F105RC, STM32F105V8, STM32F105VB, STM32F105VC, STM32F107RB, STM32F107RC, STM32F107VB, STM32F107VC
    STM32F205RB, STM32F205RC, STM32F205RE, STM32F205RF, STM32F205RG, STM32F205VB, STM32F205VC, STM32F205VE, STM32F205VF, STM32F205VG, STM32F205ZC, STM32F205ZE, STM32F205ZF, STM32F205ZG, STM32F215RE, STM32F215RG, STM32F215VE, STM32F215VG, STM32F215ZE, STM32F215ZG, STM32F207IC, STM32F207IE, STM32F207IF, STM32F207IG, STM32F207VC, STM32F207VE, STM32F207VF, STM32F207VG, STM32F207ZC, STM32F207ZE, STM32F207ZF, STM32F207ZG, STM32F217IE, STM32F217IG, STM32F217VE, STM32F217VG, STM32F217ZE, STM32F217ZG
    STM32F301C6, STM32F301C8, STM32F301K6, STM32F301K8, STM32F301R6, STM32F301R8, STM32F302C6, STM32F302C8, STM32F302CB, STM32F302CC, STM32F302K6, STM32F302K8, STM32F302R6, STM32F302R8, STM32F302RB, STM32F302RC, STM32F302RD, STM32F302RE, STM32F302VB, STM32F302VC, STM32F302VD, STM32F302VE, STM32F302ZD, STM32F302ZE, STM32F303C6, STM32F303C8, STM32F303CB, STM32F303CC, STM32F303K6, STM32F303K8, STM32F303R6, STM32F303R8, STM32F303RB, STM32F303RC, STM32F303RD, STM32F303RE, STM32F303VB, STM32F303VC, STM32F303VD, STM32F303VE, STM32F303ZD, STM32F303ZE, STM32F313CC, STM32F313RC, STM32F313VC, STM32F334C4, STM32F334C6, STM32F334C8, STM32F334K4, STM32F334K6, STM32F334K8, STM32F334R6, STM32F334R8, STM32F373C8, STM32F373CB, STM32F373CC, STM32F373R8, STM32F373RB, STM32F373RC, STM32F373V8, STM32F373VB, STM32F373VC, STM32F383CC, STM32F383RC, STM32F383VC, STM32F318C8, STM32F318K8, STM32F328C8, STM32F358CC, STM32F358RC, STM32F358VC, STM32F378CC, STM32F378RC, STM32F378VC, STM32F398VE
    STM32F401CB, STM32F401CC, STM32F401CD, STM32F401CE, STM32F401RB, STM32F401RC, STM32F401RD, STM32F401RE, STM32F401VB, STM32F401VC, STM32F401VD, STM32F401VE, STM32F405OE, STM32F405OG, STM32F405RG, STM32F405VG, STM32F405ZG, STM32F415OG, STM32F415RG, STM32F415VG, STM32F415ZG, STM32F407IE, STM32F407IG, STM32F407VE, STM32F407VG, STM32F407ZE, STM32F407ZG, STM32F417IE, STM32F417IG, STM32F417VE, STM32F417VG, STM32F417ZE, STM32F417ZG, STM32F410C8, STM32F410CB, STM32F410R8, STM32F410RB, STM32F410T8, STM32F410TB, STM32F411CC, STM32F411CE, STM32F411RC, STM32F411RE, STM32F411VC, STM32F411VE, STM32F412CE, STM32F412CG, STM32F412RE, STM32F412RG, STM32F412VE, STM32F412VG, STM32F412ZE, STM32F412ZG, STM32F413CG, STM32F413CH, STM32F413MG, STM32F413MH, STM32F413RG, STM32F413RH, STM32F413VG, STM32F413VH, STM32F413ZG, STM32F413ZH, STM32F423CH, STM32F423MH, STM32F423RH, STM32F423VH, STM32F423ZH, STM32F427AG, STM32F427AI, STM32F427IG, STM32F427II, STM32F427VG, STM32F427VI, STM32F427ZG, STM32F427ZI, STM32F437AI, STM32F437IG, STM32F437II, STM32F437VG, STM32F437VI, STM32F437ZG, STM32F437ZI, STM32F429AG, STM32F429AI, STM32F429BE, STM32F429BG, STM32F429BI, STM32F429IE, STM32F429IG, STM32F429II, STM32F429NE, STM32F429NG, STM32F429NI, STM32F429VE, STM32F429VG, STM32F429VI, STM32F429ZE, STM32F429ZG, STM32F429ZI, STM32F439AI, STM32F439BG, STM32F439BI, STM32F439IG, STM32F439II, STM32F439NG, STM32F439NI, STM32F439VG, STM32F439VI, STM32F439ZG, STM32F439ZI, STM32F446MC, STM32F446ME, STM32F446RC, STM32F446RE, STM32F446VC, STM32F446VE, STM32F446ZC, STM32F446ZE, STM32F469AE, STM32F469AG, STM32F469AI, STM32F469BE, STM32F469BG, STM32F469BI, STM32F469IE, STM32F469IG, STM32F469II, STM32F469NE, STM32F469NG, STM32F469NI, STM32F469VE, STM32F469VG, STM32F469VI, STM32F469ZE, STM32F469ZG, STM32F469ZI, STM32F479AG, STM32F479AI, STM32F479BG, STM32F479BI, STM32F479IG, STM32F479II, STM32F479NG, STM32F479NI, STM32F479VG, STM32F479VI, STM32F479ZG, STM32F479ZI
    STM32F730R8, STM32F730V8, STM32F730Z8, STM32F730I8, STM32F750V8, STM32F750Z8, STM32F750N8, STM32F722RC, STM32F722VC, STM32F722ZC, STM32F722IC, STM32F722RE, STM32F722VE, STM32F722ZE, STM32F722IE, STM32F732RC, STM32F732VC, STM32F732ZC, STM32F732IC, STM32F723VC, STM32F723ZC, STM32F723IC, STM32F723VE, STM32F723ZE, STM32F723IE, STM32F733VC, STM32F733ZC, STM32F733IC, STM32F745IE, STM32F745IG, STM32F745VE, STM32F745VG, STM32F745ZE, STM32F745ZG, STM32F746BE, STM32F746BG, STM32F746IE, STM32F746IG, STM32F746NE, STM32F746NG, STM32F746VE, STM32F746VG, STM32F746ZE, STM32F746ZG, STM32F756BG, STM32F756IG, STM32F756NG, STM32F756VG, STM32F756ZG, STM32F765BG, STM32F765BI, STM32F765IG, STM32F765II, STM32F765NG, STM32F765NI, STM32F765VG, STM32F765VI, STM32F765ZG, STM32F765ZI, STM32F767BG, STM32F767BI, STM32F767IG, STM32F767II, STM32F767NG, STM32F767NI, STM32F767VG, STM32F767VI, STM32F767ZG, STM32F767ZI, STM32F769AI, STM32F769BG, STM32F769BI, STM32F769IG, STM32F769II, STM32F769NG, STM32F769NI, STM32F777BI, STM32F777II, STM32F777NI, STM32F777VI, STM32F777ZI, STM32F778AI, STM32F779AI, STM32F779BI, STM32F779II, STM32F779NI
    STM32G030J6, STM32G030F6, STM32G030K6, STM32G030C6, STM32G030K8, STM32G030C8, STM32G070KB, STM32G070CB, STM32G070RB, STM32G0B0KE, STM32G0B0CE, STM32G0B0RE, STM32G0B0VE, STM32G031J4, STM32G031F4, STM32G031G4, STM32G031K4, STM32G031C4, STM32G031J6, STM32G031F6, STM32G031G6, STM32G031K6, STM32G031C6, STM32G041J6, STM32G041F6, STM32G041G6, STM32G041K6, STM32G041C6, STM32G031Y8, STM32G041Y8, STM32G031F8, STM32G031G8, STM32G031K8, STM32G031C8, STM32G041F8, STM32G041G8, STM32G041K8, STM32G041C8, STM32G051F6, STM32G051G6, STM32G051K6, STM32G051C6, STM32G061F6, STM32G061G6, STM32G061K6, STM32G061C6, STM32G051F8, STM32G051G8, STM32G051K8, STM32G051C8, STM32G061F8, STM32G061G8, STM32G061K8, STM32G061C8, STM32G071G8, STM32G071K8, STM32G071C8, STM32G071R8, STM32G071EB, STM32G081EB, STM32G071GB, STM32G071KB, STM32G071CB, STM32G071RB, STM32G081GB, STM32G081KB, STM32G081CB, STM32G081RB, STM32G0B1KC, STM32G0B1CC, STM32G0B1RC, STM32G0B1VC, STM32G0C1KC, STM32G0C1CC, STM32G0C1RC, STM32G0C1VC, STM32G0B1KE, STM32G0B1CE, STM32G0B1RE, STM32G0B1VE, STM32G0C1KE, STM32G0C1CE, STM32G0C1RE, STM32G0C1VE
    STM32G431K6, STM32G431C6, STM32G431R6, STM32G431M6, STM32G431V6, STM32G431K8, STM32G431C8, STM32G431R8, STM32G431M8, STM32G431V8, STM32G431KB, STM32G431CB, STM32G431RB, STM32G431MB, STM32G431VB, STM32G441KB, STM32G441CB, STM32G441RB, STM32G441MB, STM32G441VB, STM32G491KC, STM32G491CC, STM32G491RC, STM32G491MC, STM32G491VC, STM32G491KE, STM32G491CE, STM32G491RE, STM32G491ME, STM32G491VE, STM32G473CB, STM32G473RB, STM32G473MB, STM32G473VB, STM32G473QB, STM32G473CC, STM32G473RC, STM32G473MC, STM32G473VC, STM32G473QC, STM32G473CE, STM32G473RE, STM32G473ME, STM32G473VE, STM32G473QE, STM32G483CE, STM32G483RE, STM32G483ME, STM32G483VE, STM32G483QE, STM32G474CB, STM32G474RB, STM32G474MB, STM32G474VB, STM32G474QB, STM32G474CC, STM32G474RC, STM32G474MC, STM32G474VC, STM32G474QC, STM32G474CE, STM32G474RE, STM32G474ME, STM32G474VE, STM32G474QE, STM32G484CE, STM32G484RE, STM32G484ME, STM32G484VE, STM32G484QE
    STM32H503EB, STM32H503KB, STM32H503CB, STM32H503RB, STM32H533HE, STM32H533CE, STM32H533RE, STM32H533VE, STM32H533ZE, STM32H523HE, STM32H523CE, STM32H523RE, STM32H523VE, STM32H523ZE, STM32H523CC, STM32H523RC, STM32H523VC, STM32H523ZC, STM32H562RI, STM32H562VI, STM32H562ZI, STM32H562AI, STM32H562II, STM32H562RG, STM32H562VG, STM32H562ZG, STM32H562AG, STM32H562IG, STM32H563RI, STM32H563VI, STM32H563ZI, STM32H563MI, STM32H563AI, STM32H563II, STM32H563RG, STM32H563VG, STM32H563ZG, STM32H563AG, STM32H563IG, STM32H573RI, STM32H573VI, STM32H573ZI, STM32H573MI, STM32H573AI, STM32H573II
    STM32H750IB, STM32H750VB, STM32H750XB, STM32H750ZB, STM32H742AI, STM32H742BI, STM32H742II, STM32H742VI, STM32H742XI, STM32H742ZI, STM32H742AG, STM32H742BG, STM32H742IG, STM32H742VG, STM32H742XG, STM32H742ZG, STM32H743AI, STM32H743BI, STM32H743II, STM32H743VI, STM32H743XI, STM32H743ZI, STM32H743AG, STM32H743BG, STM32H743IG, STM32H743VG, STM32H743XG, STM32H743ZG, STM32H753AI, STM32H753BI, STM32H753II, STM32H753VI, STM32H753XI, STM32H753ZI, STM32H7A3RG, STM32H7A3VG, STM32H7A3ZG, STM32H7A3AG, STM32H7A3IG, STM32H7A3NG, STM32H7A3LG, STM32H7A3RI, STM32H7A3VI, STM32H7A3QI, STM32H7A3ZI, STM32H7A3AI, STM32H7A3II, STM32H7A3NI, STM32H7A3LI, STM32H7B3RI, STM32H7B3VI, STM32H7B3QI, STM32H7B3ZI, STM32H7B3AI, STM32H7B3II, STM32H7B3NI, STM32H7B3LI, STM32H7B0RB, STM32H7B0VB, STM32H7B0ZB, STM32H7B0AB, STM32H7B0IB, STM32H745BI, STM32H745II, STM32H745XI, STM32H745ZI, STM32H745BG, STM32H745IG, STM32H745XG, STM32H745ZG, STM32H755BI, STM32H755II, STM32H755XI, STM32H755ZI, STM32H747AI, STM32H747BI, STM32H747II, STM32H747XI, STM32H747ZI, STM32H747AG, STM32H747BG, STM32H747IG, STM32H747XG, STM32H757AI, STM32H757BI, STM32H757II, STM32H757XI, STM32H757ZI, STM32H723VE, STM32H723ZE, STM32H723VG, STM32H723ZG, STM32H733VG, STM32H733ZG, STM32H725RE, STM32H725VE, STM32H725ZE, STM32H725AE, STM32H725IE, STM32H725RG, STM32H725VG, STM32H725ZG, STM32H725AG, STM32H725IG, STM32H735RG, STM32H735VG, STM32H735ZG, STM32H735AG, STM32H735IG, STM32H730VB, STM32H730ZB, STM32H730AB, STM32H730IB
    STM32L010F4, STM32L010K4, STM32L010C6, STM32L010K8, STM32L010R8, STM32L010RB, STM32L011D3, STM32L011D4, STM32L011E3, STM32L011E4, STM32L011F3, STM32L011F4, STM32L011G3, STM32L011G4, STM32L011K3, STM32L011K4, STM32L021D4, STM32L021F4, STM32L021G4, STM32L021K4, STM32L031C4, STM32L031C6, STM32L031E4, STM32L031E6, STM32L031F4, STM32L031F6, STM32L031G4, STM32L031G6, STM32L031K4, STM32L031K6, STM32L041C6, STM32L041E6, STM32L041F6, STM32L041G6, STM32L041K6, STM32L051C6, STM32L051C8, STM32L051K6, STM32L051K8, STM32L051R6, STM32L051R8, STM32L051T6, STM32L051T8, STM32L071C8, STM32L071CB, STM32L071CZ, STM32L071K8, STM32L071KB, STM32L071KZ, STM32L071RB, STM32L071RZ, STM32L071V8, STM32L071VB, STM32L071VZ, STM32L081CB, STM32L081CZ, STM32L081KZ, STM32L052C6, STM32L052C8, STM32L052K6, STM32L052K8, STM32L052R6, STM32L052R8, STM32L052T6, STM32L052T8, STM32L062K8, STM32L072V8, STM32L072CB, STM32L072CZ, STM32L072KB, STM32L072KZ, STM32L072RB, STM32L072RZ, STM32L072VB, STM32L072VZ, STM32L082CZ, STM32L082KB, STM32L082KZ, STM32L053C6, STM32L053C8, STM32L053R6, STM32L053R8, STM32L063C8, STM32L063R8, STM32L073CB, STM32L073CZ, STM32L073RB, STM32L073RZ, STM32L073V8, STM32L073VB, STM32L073VZ, STM32L083CB, STM32L083CZ, STM32L083RB, STM32L083RZ, STM32L083V8, STM32L083VB, STM32L083VZ
    STM32L100C6, STM32L100R8, STM32L100RB, STM32L100C6-A, STM32L100R8-A, STM32L100RB-A, STM32L100RC, STM32L151C6, STM32L151R6, STM32L151C8, STM32L151R8, STM32L151V8, STM32L151CB, STM32L151RB, STM32L151VB, STM32L151C6-A, STM32L151R6-A, STM32L151C8-A, STM32L151R8-A, STM32L151V8-A, STM32L151CB-A, STM32L151RB-A, STM32L151VB-A, STM32L151CC, STM32L151UC, STM32L151RC, STM32L151RC-A, STM32L151VC, STM32L151VC-A, STM32L151QC, STM32L151ZC, STM32L151RD, STM32L151VD, STM32L151QD, STM32L151ZD, STM32L151QE, STM32L151RE, STM32L151VE, STM32L151ZE, STM32L151VD-X, STM32L152C6, STM32L152R6, STM32L152C8, STM32L152R8, STM32L152V8, STM32L152CB, STM32L152RB, STM32L152VB, STM32L152C6-A, STM32L152R6-A, STM32L152C8-A, STM32L152R8-A, STM32L152V8-A, STM32L152CB-A, STM32L152RB-A, STM32L152VB-A, STM32L152CC, STM32L152RC, STM32L152RC-A, STM32L152UC, STM32L152VC, STM32L152VC-A, STM32L152QC, STM32L152ZC, STM32L152RD, STM32L152QD, STM32L152VD, STM32L152ZD, STM32L152QE, STM32L152RE, STM32L152VE, STM32L152ZE, STM32L152VD-X, STM32L162RC, STM32L162RC-A, STM32L162VC, STM32L162VC-A, STM32L162QC, STM32L162ZC, STM32L162QD, STM32L162ZD, STM32L162RD, STM32L162VD, STM32L162RE, STM32L162VE, STM32L162ZE, STM32L162VD-X
    STM32L431CB, STM32L431KB, STM32L431RB, STM32L431KC, STM32L431CC, STM32L431RC, STM32L431VC, STM32L451CC, STM32L451RC, STM32L451VC, STM32L451CE, STM32L451RE, STM32L451VE, STM32L471QE, STM32L471RE, STM32L471VE, STM32L471ZE, STM32L471QG, STM32L471RG, STM32L471VG, STM32L471ZG, STM32L412C8, STM32L412K8, STM32L412R8, STM32L412T8, STM32L412KB, STM32L412CB, STM32L412RB, STM32L412TB, STM32L422KB, STM32L422CB, STM32L422RB, STM32L422TB, STM32L432KB, STM32L432KC, STM32L442KC, STM32L452CC, STM32L452RC, STM32L452VC, STM32L452CE, STM32L452RE, STM32L452VE, STM32L462CE, STM32L462RE, STM32L462VE, STM32L433CB, STM32L433CC, STM32L433RB, STM32L433RC, STM32L433VC, STM32L443CC, STM32L443RC, STM32L443VC, STM32L475RC, STM32L475VC, STM32L475RE, STM32L475VE, STM32L475RG, STM32L475VG, STM32L476RC, STM32L476VC, STM32L476JE, STM32L476ZE, STM32L476QE, STM32L476VE, STM32L476ME, STM32L476RE, STM32L476JG, STM32L476QG, STM32L476VG, STM32L476RG, STM32L476ZG, STM32L476MG, STM32L486ZG, STM32L486QG, STM32L486JG, STM32L486VG, STM32L486RG, STM32L496ZE, STM32L496AE, STM32L496QE, STM32L496VE, STM32L496RE, STM32L496RG, STM32L496VG, STM32L496QG, STM32L496AG, STM32L496ZG, STM32L4A6AG, STM32L4A6ZG, STM32L4A6QG, STM32L4A6VG, STM32L4A6RG
    STM32L552CC, STM32L552RC, STM32L552VC, STM32L552QC, STM32L552ZC, STM32L552CE, STM32L552RE, STM32L552ME, STM32L552VE, STM32L552QE, STM32L552ZE, STM32L562CE, STM32L562RE, STM32L562ME, STM32L562VE, STM32L562QE, STM32L562ZE
    STM32U031x4, STM32U031x6, STM32U031x8, STM32U073x8, STM32U073xB, STM32U073xC, STM32U083xC
    STM32U535CE, STM32U535NE, STM32U535RE, STM32U535JE, STM32U535VE, STM32U535CC, STM32U535NC, STM32U535RC, STM32U535VC, STM32U535CB, STM32U535RB, STM32U545CE, STM32U545NE, STM32U545RE, STM32U545JE, STM32U545VE, STM32U575AI, STM32U575CI, STM32U575OI, STM32U575QI, STM32U575RI, STM32U575VI, STM32U575ZI, STM32U575AG, STM32U575CG, STM32U575OG, STM32U575QG, STM32U575RG, STM32U575VG, STM32U575ZG, STM32U585AI, STM32U585CI, STM32U585OI, STM32U585QI, STM32U585RI, STM32U585VI, STM32U585ZI, STM32U5A5RJ, STM32U5A5VJ, STM32U5A5QJ, STM32U5A5ZJ, STM32U5A5AJ, STM32U5A5QI, STM32U595RJ, STM32U595VJ, STM32U595QJ, STM32U595ZJ, STM32U595AJ, STM32U595RI, STM32U595VI, STM32U595QI, STM32U595ZI, STM32U595AI, STM32U5A9VJ, STM32U5A9ZJ, STM32U5A9BJ, STM32U5A9NJ, STM32U599VJ, STM32U599ZJ, STM32U599BJ, STM32U599NJ, STM32U599VI, STM32U599ZI, STM32U599NI, STM32U5G7VJ, STM32U5G7ZJ, STM32U5G7BJ, STM32U5G7NJ, STM32U5F7VJ, STM32U5F7ZJ, STM32U5F7BJ, STM32U5F7NJ, STM32U5G9VJ, STM32U5G9ZJ, STM32U5G9BJ, STM32U5G9NJ, STM32U5F9VJ, STM32U5F9ZJ, STM32U5F9BJ, STM32U5F9NJ
    BlueNRG-1, BlueNRG-2, BlueNRG-M2, BlueNRG-332xy
    STM8AF6223, STM8AF6366, STM8AF6388, STM8AF62A9, STM8AF628A, STM8AF6269, STM8AF6289, STM8AF62A6, STM8AF62A8, STM8AF6288, STM8AF6266, STM8AF62AA, STM8AF6213, STM8AF6223A, STM8AF6213A, STM8AF6226, STM8AF6246, STM8AF6286, STM8AF6248, STM8AF6268, STM8AF52A6, STM8AF528A, STM8AF52AA, STM8AF5289, STM8AF52A9, STM8AF52A8, STM8AF5269, STM8AF5288, STM8AF5268, STM8S003K3, STM8S001J3, STM8S005C6, STM8S007C8, STM8S005K6, STM8S003F3, STM8S105S4, STM8S105S6, STM8S105C4, STM8S105C6, STM8S103F2, STM8S103F3, STM8S103K3, STM8S105K4, STM8S105K6, STM8S207MB, STM8S207M8, STM8S207RB, STM8S207R8, STM8S207R6, STM8S207CB, STM8S207C8, STM8S207C6, STM8S207SB, STM8S207S8, STM8S207S6, STM8S207K8, STM8S207K6, STM8S208MB, STM8S208RB, STM8S208R8, STM8S208R6, STM8S208CB, STM8S208C8, STM8S208C6, STM8S208SB, STM8S208S8, STM8S208S6, STM8S903F3, STM8S903K3, STM8AL3166, STM8AL3168, STM8AL3146, STM8AL3148, STM8AL3138, STM8AL3136, STM8AL318A, STM8AL3188, STM8AL3189, STM8AL3L8A, STM8AL3L68, STM8AL3L48, STM8AL3L46, STM8AL3L88, STM8AL3L89, STM8AL3L66, STM8L001J3, STM8L051F3, STM8L050J3, STM8L052C6, STM8L052R8, STM8L101F1, STM8L101F2, STM8L101F3, STM8L101J3, STM8L101G2, STM8L101G3, STM8L101K3, STM8L151F3, STM8L151K3, STM8L151G3, STM8L151G4, STM8L151M8, STM8L152C8, STM8L151R6, STM8L151R8, STM8L151C8, STM8L151F2, STM8L152M8, STM8L152R8, STM8L152C6, STM8L152C4, STM8L152K4, STM8L152K6, STM8L152K8, STM8L152G6, STM8L151K6, STM8L151K4, STM8L151C6, STM8L151C4, STM8L151C2, STM8L152R6, STM8L151K2, STM8L151C3, STM8L151G2, STM8L162R8, STM8L162M8, STM8TL52G4, STM8TL53C4, STM8TL53G4, STM8TL53F4, STM8TL52F4